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If you haven' seen it, enjoy; in short form, the nurse station scene still works brilliantly. And if you have seen it already, maybe you've forgotten just enough. I've been startled by this more than once. David Lean always said, in reference to the famous arrival scene of Omar Sharif in Lawrence of Arabia, you have to bore

Nothing beats, in terms of performance & overall impact, this amazing single shot from Paper Moon.  It's a simple thing -- on the surface -- but took Bogdanovich a grueling day and half to get this short scene. The little girl, Tatum O'Neil (daughter of Ryan, screen right) gives a stellar performance, especially considering she's 9. Thing is,

I know, I know, why this movie?  Because this shot from ALWAYS, a minor film not highly regarded by most, is so amazing - a little treasure in a film filled with bravado staging and camera work, but otherwise mostly ignored.  So I thought this would be unexpected, while still allowing me to kick things off with