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Like the previous post about Scorsese, this shot is staged with great originality and really bares the stamp of the director. Kim Novak's famous entrance in the film is so simple, restrained, elegant, and full of weight. The placement of the actors, the color design (the colorless extras, the red walls, her vivid dress), the famous music

In honor of, nay, in grieving for, the final episode of MAD MEN, I wanted to post about what the show has meant to me.  As luck would have it (for this blog post, at least), watching the show from beginning to end in preparation to watch the last season, part deux, I came upon a shot

I really enjoy the work that Tony Zhou does with his Every Frame a Painting video essays.  They're informative, well considered and presented, insightful, and super educational for even the seasoned filmmaker.  Whether you've never thought of a particular idea before or you treat it as a refresher, they're as entertaining as they are illuminating.  I could watch his

Couldn't have done this better myself, so I post it here.  This by the same guy, Jamie Benning, who created the fantastic "filmumentaries" on JAWS, RAIDERS, and STAR WARS, by exhaustively collecting existing interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, alternate takes, etc, and cutting them into the movie, for a mega "commentary track" type experience. This is his short doc (3 min) on Zemeckis'