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Here's an "exciting" reenactment of a shot from a classic movie. I was strolling around Warner Bros. yesterday with my friend Cloe, a major film buff and studio veteran with endless stories (if you want to learn film history, walk around a movie lot with her.) Anyhow, it was actually me who spotted this location, as I have

One of the most insanely long and exciting shots I've seen is from the beginning of I am Cuba, a lushly lyrical fever dream of a movie. (Two movies have felt like fever dreams to me, this and Coraline - how's that for a spectrum?)  This shot literally goes to unexpected places, and just seems to thematically

Today's shot is a beautifully haunting trick shot from Japanese master Mizoguchi, who's my third favorite Japanese director from the 50's, after Kurosawa and Ozu. This from the lyrical ghost story and cautionary parable Ugetsu. I love a good execution of that old trick of swapping things out when the camera momentarily pans away - kind of like

Happy 55th birthday to Spike Lee! My favorite films of his are the classic, provactively brilliant, and Shakespearianly epic Do The Right Thing, and the lesser regarded, but I think no less important Bamboozled.  Thanks Tim Grierson and Indiewire for giving me the heads up on Lee's birthday and this video clip celebrating the film. It's not a shot,