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Man, I love this movie. It really holds up. This shot is more of a subtle, but very significant, moment. With War Games, the clever script and direction manage to stay on the believable side of far-fetched, no easy task. Matthew Broderick, Dabney Coleman, the hilarious Barry "I'd piss on the spark plug" Corbin are all at

I can't get enough of The Shining right now - Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall's kabuki performances included - so much so that today's shot isn't even from the movie. I wanted to make a case study of it, so I recently read the novel, then watched the movie twice, which then led me to the fascinating

All this talk recently of the new James Bond film, Skyfall, photos here, starting production with Sam Mendes at the helm, has me craving Casino Royale. That movie made me really fall in love with the Bond universe again. To me, not since I was a kid was the series this dramatic, exotic or fun. (The old